Monday, August 1

New 2nd Year...Welcome!

Assalamualaikum wbt

To all friends batch 14..congratz to you all bcoz able to proceed to new year which is 2nd Year...

You can place your order here..

<< Click Here to Make Order >>


  1. Assalamualaikum. Thanks for the update. May I know, how much do the books cost?

  2. wkslm. Yes forsure. but give me some times.. right now i hav another important things to complete while waiting for kamal to reply me the prices..TQ for asking

  3. assalamualaikum. can i order book that is not included in list?i really2 want that book and if i can,how much that book will cost?
    Clinical Examination: A Systematic Guide to Physical Diagnosis By Nicholas J. Talley, Simon O'Connor
    year:2009 (or if u can get latest,it is better:))
    fyi, i had already put that order under my name
    can u contact me if there is any news about that book?tq

  4. Most of the books still haven't gotten any price yet... How ah?

  5. i had update it already, sorry for the late reply..
